Error adding user control window in WPF

Today I found a mistake that made me lose almost an hour until I realized that was happening.

I am developing a project in WPF. In this project I have a main window and then I’ve created me a folder with multiple user controls. The problem has come when I’ve put in the window design mode and and tried to drag her user controls that had created.

To drag them up didn’t let me drop them, it is as if the window was blocked. However the own controls WPF if that allowed me to place them. If I added them manually in the XAML then the designer gave me an error, in particular this:

Unable to load the metadata for assembly 'MY_ASSEMBLY'. This assembly may been downloaded from the web.

But the strange thing is that if you ran the application it worked perfectly.

After testing thousands of things I’ve noticed the problem that was the project on which he was working on a network drive, and not on a local disk.

It had opened the project from the network drive and everything works correctly, in fact at home I usually work like this because I have all the projects on a server and access across different computers via shared drives. I never had problems until today. I have copied the project to a local disk and everything has been solved.

Image manager compatible with CKEditor

In a project I’m involved I’ve used one of the best HTML editor there, CKEditor. This WYSIWYG editor is very complete lack of an image manager.

To manage the images exists an ideal that is CKFinder but has the drawback ofbeing a paid product.

I have therefore developed an image manager CKFinder very similar to using jQuery.

The image manager can download it from the software section.

Calculate the width of a text, and shorten it to a number of pixels given in JavaScript

In some cases we may need to calculate from JavaScript the width of a text on the screen.
To do this we will use a layer that will make us as a rule. This layer must have the same styles that the fate of the text that we want to measure, or assigning these styles whenever we are going to measure.

This is the HTML for the layer:

<span id="ruler"></span>

The layer has to be hidden with the following CSS:

#ruler {
	visibility: hidden;
	white-space: nowrap;
	position: absolute;
	top: -100;
	left: 0px;

And finally we will extend the string class in JavaScript with two methods that will allow us to calculate the width of a text in pixels and trim a text to a specified width.

// Calcula los pixeles de ancho que ocupa un texto
String.prototype.visualLength = function() {
    var ruler = document.getElementById("ruler");
    ruler.innerHTML = this;
    return ruler.offsetWidth;

// Recorta un texto al número de pixeles indicados, añadiendo un "..." en el caso de haber sido recortado
String.prototype.trimToPx = function(length)
    var tmp = this;
    var trimmed = this;
    if (tmp.visualLength() > length)
        trimmed += "...";
        while (trimmed.visualLength() > length)
            tmp = tmp.substring(0, tmp.length-1);
            trimmed = tmp + "...";

    return trimmed;

Check if an array contains an element in JavaScript

JavaScript is unfortunately not implemented all the methods we have available from C # or VB.NET. One is the method «Contains» from the lists. With this code you can extend the class «Array» of JavaScript to implement this method:

Array.prototype.contains = function(element) {
    for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
        if (this[i] == element) {
            return true;
    return false;